Centrálny Depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.

About CDCP

Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (“central depository” or „CDCP“) is a joint-stock company based in the territory of the Slovak Republic. CDCP by its activity continuously took up activities of preceding Securities Centre of the Slovak Republic, a. s. The central depository is performing activities pursuant to Act No. 566/2001 Coll. on Securities and Investment services as amended from 19 March 2004 and from 28 january 2019 in compliance with the Regulation No. 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on central securities depositories and amending Directives 98/26/ES and Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 (“CSDR Regulation”).

NBS granted to CDCP authorisation to operate as a central securities depository based on the decision of NBS from 11 january 2019 (file number NBS1-000-015-869).

Effective from 16 March 2006, Bratislava Stock Exchange (‘BSSE’ hereinafter) has become a 100-percent shareholder of CDCP, as a result of in-kind contribution of the state property interest in CDCP business into the Stock Exchange’s registered capital.