CDCP SR, a.s. does not have an authorisation to provide such services, i.e. CDCP SR, a.s. does not provide consultations on determining the value of securities. You can contact a financial advisor or securities broker. The list of securities brokers authorized to provide services can be found, for example, on the website of the National Bank of Slovakia in the section Financial Market Supervision / Securities Brokers authorized under Act No. 566/2001 Coll. You will need the statement from your owner’s account included the shipment from CDCP SR, a.s. The National Bank of Slovakia only publishes a list of securities dealers but does not provide information on the value of securities.
Consultation fee is a matter of the relevant consultant and CDCP SR, a.s. can’t comment on that.
CDCP SR, a.s. provides services under the authorisation from the National Bank of Slovakia. The authorization for operation of a central depository includes services that CDCP SR, a.s. must and can provide. Investment consultancy is not among the services that CDCP SR, a.s. could provide.
Yes, CDCP SR, a.s. publishes on its web site a list of cancelled issues of the companies (issuers) that ceased to exist without a legal successor.