Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR is in process of implementation of new information systems, with purpose to create conditions for electronisation of selected company processes and to decrease volume of circulating paper documents.
Implemented were following information systems, that were launched in several phases:
• DMS (document management system) – Central repository of CDCP electronic documents required for company procedures related to processing of clients‘ requests (e.g. agreements, requests for services, Powers of Attorney, excerpts from the business registers etc.).
• Retention System – Central storage of all files in CDCP in electronic form. SW is certified by the Ministry of Interior of SR pursuant to Decree 525/2011, in which are stipulated standards of electronic information system for Retention system administration.
• Portal (external and internal) – Serves as entry point for electronic request forms for CDCP services. It will provide CDCP with possibility to limit paper documents in contact with its clients.
DMS, Retention System and Internal Portal are systems that are practically invisible for the clients as these are related mainly to the internal processes of CDCP. However, they are essential for electronisation of CDCP services through the External Portal.

External portal
From several surveys recently realised by CDCP is evident that our issuers are interested to have possibility to place request for service in electronic form. Solution is the external portal enabling issuers, by use of electronic account and qualified electronic signature (QES), to place requests for services related to issues of book-entry securities and paper-form securities.
Condition for placing a request for services via the external portal is that the requesting person disposes with the eID card, i.e. personal ID card with electronic chip, what enables to sign the requirements with QES. QES in an electronic document ensures authenticity, integrity and indisputability of signature in the electronic document.
Launch of the External Portal is in preparation and is expected in 2H of this year.
Author: Peter Nagy