Centrálny Depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.

Announcement of transfer of NCDCP clients’ assets and provision of services to clients whose assets were transferred from NCDCP


Dear clients,

we would like to inform you that in the course of 12 – 14 November 2021 Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (hereinafter „CDCP“) in co-operation with Národný centrálny depozitár cenných papierov, a.s. (hereinafter „NCDCP“) realised migration of all assets of NCDCP clients to the register of CDCP. The migration was executed in compliance with the legislation and the Agreement on transfer of NCDCP clients’ assets concluded on 23 July 2021 between CDCP and NCDP in connection with the intent of NCDCP to waive the Authorisation to act as the central depository.

From the 15 November 2021, as a consequence of the clients’ assets migration, CDCP starts provision of central depository services to clients whose assets were transferred from NCDP to the register of CDCP. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that CDCP is providing services in compliance with the authorisation to operate as a central depository and under conditions laid down in the regulations of CDCP, primarily the Rules of Operation and the Scale of Fees.

The details of CDCP´s procedures with respect to former clients of NCDCP after the clients‘ assets migration are included in the Part VIII of the Rules of Operation of CDCP – Special provisions concerning assets transfer of NCDCP clients.

Further information on requirement to update the contractual relations can be found in the section Assets transfer of NCDCP’s clients.

We are looking forward to our cooperation with new clients and we are prepared to meet all expectations with regard to service quality.


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