Centrálny Depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.

Central Securities Depository proceeds with digitalisation of processes


Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (CDCP) will enable its clients to place requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Continuous digitalisation of processes is ensured by launch of the new on-line portal, which allows processing of requests without personal presence. The new portal, that is accessible from today, reflects current electronization requirements for services provided on the capital market and progresses toward standards applied in countries of the European Union.

The new portal is dedicated to issuers of securities, both book-entry and certified, who may use the portal to conclude an agreement on registration of book-entry securities issue, place instructions to change the issue, conclude agreement on administration of shareholder list for registered paper-form securities, or make changes in such list. Inevitable is obtaining of different types of statements for book-entry and  also certified securities. It will be possible to place electronic request for allocation of ISIN code (International Securities Identification Number), which has to be allocated to all issues of book-entry securities. „All standard requirement for issuer services can be processed electronically from beginning to end,“ says Ľubomír Demčák, the Head of Issue Department of CDCP. “An issuer can place an electronic request also for access to the portal.“ The request can be placed directly be the issuers or their representatives – natural persons or lawyers, as it was common until now. The representatives of issuers have to submit their authorisation, what can be made in electronic form as well. „The client’s representative will be asked to sign agreements and service requests in form of electronic document by use of qualified electronic signature issued with the Identity Card“ specifies Ľ. Demčák.

In addition, the whole communication will be held in electronic way. The client will be informed on each step, on requirement to provide additional information or on processing of the request via notifications sent to its e-mail box. Consulting services will be available in case the clients have questions or issues to solve. Notable feature is the possibility to append any attachment to each request, what will establish a new communication system, which keeps communication history between an issuer and CDCP in one place. The terms for processing of request remain the same as in case of personal contact. „The entire communication will be encrypted, so the maximum security is ensured.“ continues Ľ. Demčák. 

Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov supposes that part of the clients will still prefer personal contact. „For that reason it will be possible to process requests also this way. However, in the future we will prefer electronic contact,“ adds Peter Nagy, the Director of the Operation Division of CDCP. The central depository wants to continue with digitalisation also in the future, the electronic portal will expand and will be available also for other entities and participants in the capital market.


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