Securities information as of: 05.02.2025 06:44
ISIN | SK1110003284 |
Short name of the security (FISN) | ZTSKONTROLTECH/Ord.Sh Restriction |
Long name of the security | ZTSKONTROLTECH, a.s. |
Nominal value | 1 000 |
Denomination currency | SKK |
Settlement in | Units |
Minimum amount* | 1 |
Minimum multiplier* | 1 |
Total number of securities for ISIN* | 6 005 |
Amount of securities on accounts* | 0 |
Amount of securities returned* | 0 |
Bearer/registered | Registered |
Type of security | ordinary share |
Form of security | Book-entry securities |
Negotiability of the issue | Transfer with issuer's consent only |
Public negotiability of securities issue | Security is not traded on the stock exchange |
Date of issuance | 20.10.1999 |
Registration date | 20.09.1999 |
Expiration/Maturity date | |
Deletion date | 22.06.2009 |
Issuer depository | |
Issuer country | SK |
Suspension of right to dispose of the securities issue |
* The amount is displayed in the units listed in the item "Settlement in the unit" in the issue detail.
Issuer name | ZTS-KONTROLTECH, a.s. |
Issuer Company Id | 36304930 |
Issuer´s seat | Areál ZTS 924, 01841 Dubnica nad Váhom, SK |
Issuer LEI |