From 1 November 2017 the entities issuing book-entry securities issues (securities) have to identify themselves with the LEI code. The LEI code shall serve for identification of entities – the issuers in connection with application of new EU legal regulations and creating a link between the issue identifier ISIN and the issuer identifier LEI. Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. would like to draw attention to this obligation.
„According to paragraph 107(4) of the Act 566/2001 Coll. on Securities and Investment services and on amending and supplementing certain laws in wording valid from 1 November 2017, the LEI code is one of details on the issuer which CDCP keeps in the registry of an issuer of book-entry securities. Obligation of CDCP to register the LEI code in the issuer’s registry applies only to the issuers who will issue the securities after 31 October 2017,” informs Ing. Iveta Macková from CDCP.
This means for the issuers that they need to have allocated valid LEI code, which will be used upon registration of all issues of book-entry securities issued by the issuer. An issuer of a paper-form securities issue, applying for allocation of the ISIN code for such issue, will need the LEI code as well. CDCP shall require that valid LEI code is stated already in the request for allocation of the ISIN code. The issuers may apply for allocation of the LEI code with CDCP via web form placed on, or with any other entity allocating LEI codes (list of entities can be found on
The LEI code is to be stated also in the Agreement on registration of securities issue, and in other forms in connections with services for the issuers of book-entry securities. In case the issuer does not state his valid LEI code in these documents, CDCP will not be able to accept the request of the issuer for allocation of the ISIN code placed after 1 November 2017, and as a result it will not be able to register the securities issue. CDCP shall record the LEI code to the issuer’s registry if the issuer states the LEI code in the request for change of details on the issuer or the securities issue issued before 31 October 2017.
LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) – twenty digits alphanumeric code is international identifier of the legal person, which facilitate exact, unambiguous and unmistakeable identification of the entity on worldwide basis.